What is a Community Care Hub?
A community-focused entity that organizes and supports a network of community-based organizations providing services to address health-related social needs. Community Care Hubs centralize administrative functions and operational infrastructure, including but not limited to, contracting with health care organizations, payment operations, management of referrals, service delivery fidelity and compliance, technology, information security, data collection and reporting. This initiative is a nationally sanctioned movement to promote community-integrated health care.
Aging & In-Home Services of Northeast Indiana was designated as a Community Care Hub for the State of Indiana in November 2022 by the U.S. Health & Human Services/Administration for Community Living (ACL) in partnership with the CDC.
Community Care Hub Indiana
In May 2023, CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions joined AIHS as a Venture Partner to create Community Care Hub Indiana (CCHI). This strategic partnership is respected both nationally and throughout the State of Indiana. Additionally, the Fort Wayne and Indianapolis markets represent the largest market for Indiana Pathways for Aging.
Joint Venture Leadership
In April 2023, the Indiana Association of Area Agencies on Aging (i4a) Board members voted to utilize CCHI as its contracting arm for the Indiana Pathways for Aging Program.
Indiana AAA Network Support:
What is Indiana Pathways for Aging Program?
Indiana Pathways for Aging will promote the health and well-being of people who need assistance with activities of daily living due to long-term conditions or disabilities, or who require supervision and support due to cognitive impairment. These services will include in-home personal care, adult day centers, caregiver support, assisted living and nursing facility care. Indiana Pathways for Aging is scheduled to launch summer 2024. Learn more on Indiana's FSSA Website.